Paris Photo – Day Two

 Saturday 10.11.18


Most of the day spent at the Grand Palais. Hundreds of gallery stands showing every kind of work, plus some selections from collections (such as the JP Morgan collection, with, for instance, a number of Eggleston prints). Good to see the scale of some of the work seen previously only on screen and in print, and to pick up ideas for presentation of work. Likewise, the publisher and book distributor stands, for ideas about publication.

Highlights for me were the talks (Tod Papageorge, Joel Meyerowitz, Chistopher Williams), visiting Akio Nagasawa gallery/publishers and looking at the low volume Japanese handbound books, Evangelia Kramioti’s ‘Beirut Fictions’, Denis Dailleux’s ‘Meres et Fils”’ (Egyptian wrestlers and their mothers), and more (will add when I can go through notes, fliers, books and images).

More photo books at Polycopies, and conversation with Guy Martin about his new book, The Parallel State, with Gost Books. Then late night visit to On Air exhibition at Palais de Tokyo.

Stunning and inspiring (particularly for the inter-disciplinarity, and creative and inter-connected ways of addressing both with a ‘grand challenge’ and engaging audiences).